Changes and Troubles Version 2

Peace way-ward soul! Let those various storms

Which hourly fill the world with fresh Alarms

Invade thy peace: nor discompose that Rest

Which thou maist keep untoucht within thy Brest

Amid those whirlwinds, if thou keep but free

The Intercourse betwixt thy God and thee

Thy region lies above these storms: and know

Thy thoughts are earthly, and they creep too Low

If these can reach thee, or access can find,

To bring or raise disorders something Lies,

But yet in these disorders

That’s worth thy notice, out of which the Wise

May trace and find that just and powerful hand

That secretly, but surely doth command,

And manage these distempers with that skill

That while they seem to cross, they act his will

Observe that silver thread, that steers and bends

The worst of all disorders, to such ends,

That speak his justice, goodness, Providence,

Who closely guides it by his Influence,

And though these storms are loud, yet listens well,

There is another message that they tell

This world is not thy country; ’tis thy way

Too much contentment would invite thy stay

Too long upon the journey; make it strange,

Unwelcome news, to think upon a Change

Whereas this rugged entertainment sends

Thy thoughts before thee to thy journey’s end;

Chides thy desires homewards: tells the pain,

To think of resting here it is but in vain;

Makes thee to set an equal estimate

On this uncertain world, and a just rate

On that to come; it bids the wait and stay

Untill thy master calls, and then with joy

To entertain it such a change as this,

Renders thy Loss, thy Gain; improves thy Bliss.