Christmas Day XII

The Great design, the word becoming man1
For man’s redemption, laid ere the world began2
In God’s decree, so closely was directed
Through many ages that was scarce suspected
By the concerned world: and when it came
To its accomplishment, even then the fame
Concealed lay; the cratch and infancy
And humane nature hid the Deity3
But though this lower world but little thought
What guest they had, the news was quickly brought
Unto the Court of Heaven; the Angels take
The first alarm, and straight their flight they make
Unto the drowsy earth. The first they meet
Were watching shepherds; there by night they greet
With those blest tidings, and to solemnize
The birth-day of their King, they fill the skies
With songs of praise, The Heavens, to bear a share
In this solemnity, Dispatch a star
Into the East, to let the Wise-men know
The prince of Peace is born, and to show
The way unto that station4 , where they might
Behold that great and long-expected sight.
And now the World thus roused by Heaven, begins
To take the alarm, and it quickly rings
With the Messiah’s birth: the Shepherds drew
To Bethlem, find the Angels tidings true;
And published it: the Wise-men come and see
Their guide’s report and conduct true to be,
And the proclaim it: then come kings, and bring,
And pay tribute to their Infant-King.
Thus the Almighty’s Wisdom sends a train
Of wonders and remarks to entertain
And wait upon this greater wonder; Crowns
The birth-day of his Son with what renown
The world could contribute, and seems to fit
All circumstances, that they render it
As solemn, signal, memorable as
The great importance of the buisness was:
Which chides our proud and narrow Hearts, if we
Shall starve the memory of that which he
Strove to make signal, while we think a day
Too much to that solemnity to pay.


1“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14)Back to text.

2The belief of Predestination suggestions that all events have been planned by God.  “We speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory”(1 Corinthians 2:7)Back to text.

3Jesus was of both Godly nature and human appearance.”For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”(1 Timothy 2:5)Back to text.

4Up through the 17th century, Geocentricism was still widely accepted, that is, the belief that Earth was stationary and the sun revolved around it. It was suggested that Earth was the center of all creation and hosted God’s throne, as supported by Psalms 93:1-2:Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved. Your throne is established from of old” Back to text.