Blessed Redeemer

Blessed Redeemer, we do not meet this day

Of thy nitivity, as well we may,

With signs of joy and wonder, we do write

Thy name upon it, and seem with delight

To welcome its reutrn; we trim and dress

Our houses with all greens1 , and seem no less

Joyfully to entertain the happy news

Of Thy descent from Heaven, than once the Jews

Did thy descent from Olive2 ; we sing

Hosanna’s. at this birth day of our king

And surely tis well done, but tis not all

Christian from thee this day doth all

for somewhat more without which all the rest

Will proove but empty compliments3 at best

Thy Lord must be thy life: thou must be brought

Under his yoke and rule: thou must be wrought

Into his likeness: Christ must formed be

first in his virgin Mother, then in thee4 1 Reference to decorating traditions during the Christmas period. Back to text. 2 Reference to Palm Sunday:Jesus entering Jerusalem. Back to text. 3 Apart from Christ, everything else is emptiness. Without Christ as our Lord and as our life, the world will only bring us empty compliments; Or, unless we are truly devoted to Christ, our words are but empty compliments. Back to text. 4 A reference to Christ’s immaculate conception. Back to text.